It was a beautiful day...not sure what was going on...a bit surreal really... normally at this time of year a forcast for good weather means that the M5 is totally jammed on a Saturday, especially going south as I was soooo quiet....petrol prices maybe? I don't meant that I had a really nice drive down to Wantage to visit The Stamp Attic and meet up with Tanda Forum friends! Wendy was the perfect hostess and we all had a lovely day playing with Copics, chatting and sharing ideas. Here's the gang....left to right Zoe, Lucy, Janet and me....

One of our lovely forum ladies was visiting all the way from New Zealand so we decided to organise a meet...Wantage and the Stamp Attic seemed like the perfect place! Thanks to Wendy it was perfect! She let us use her studio and even delivered cakes complete with mini smarties! Have to admit we did spend some's my stash...

guess I went a bit mad and totally spent all my pennies! I was hoping to get some of Tim's Dies, especially the flourish but when I saw it I realised that it would not work with the Wizard so I am now feeling a little miffed as I don't want to splash out on the Big shot!
We all made little pressies to exhange at the meet, you may have seen them over on Zoe and Janet's blogs, but just in case you haven't, these are the presents that I received....

Firstly Lucy's Alice in Wonderland chess board which she explains "here"
Having all seen the Tim Burton film recently, my youngest has fallen in love with it and has claimed it for her bedroom wall!

Next, Donna had made us some tissue holders and sent them over from Texas...She may not have been there in real life but she was there in spirit so to speak. We got to choose which tissue holders and I chose the one with blue lupins as I remembered the wonderful photographs on Donna's blog of lupins growing wild in Texas! Donna calls them blue bonnets and you can see them "here"

Zoe also gave us one of her twinchies and a peg to alter and send back to her.

Then lastly but certainly not least Janet brought us some gifts in a lovely personalised bag all the way from New Zealand, we each received a notebook and pen, a stamp (mine was of a hybiscus drawn in a traditional style), some shapes cut using the Circut, a phone charm, a plant stick and a napkin with the paula shell pattern all over it, some paula shell fragments and paper. Our challenge is to make something using the napkin and blog watch this space....I'm still thinking though.....
It was a great day everyone, Thank you all for the great company and the presents!
Right I'm posting this mammoth post battery is about to die!!!!
Did'nt you do well in Wendy's treasure chest of a shop :) looking forward to seeing what do with those yummy stamps. Re die cutters will a pasta maker do the trick or is that just for thing dies? Thank you for your wonderful goodie box I'm still stroking everything.
Wow you all had a fab time and so many lovely gifts!!
Lesley x
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