Last night was a little manic to say the least!! My youngest came home from school and demanded to be taken into Worcester to buy stuff to make a cushion...had to be made and handed in by lunchtime today...Apparently her class had started this when she was off on the school trip and this was the first we got to know of it! She had the design and the front of the cushion but school didn't have the colours that she needed in textile paints so she had used acrylic paints which really didn't work..so we started from scratch...luckily I'm a crafty mum!
One of my textile paints was a bit watery and bled very quickly so we had a quick lesson in felting...made a felted flower to go over the flower that bled..I think it saved the day.Sarah said that sewing teacher was gob smacked by cushion and didn't notice the "little accident!" LOL!!!..all in all, the final cushion used stamping, stencilling, couching, painting, beading, felting and general sewing. I probably covered more techniques with Sarah in one evening than the teacher would have done in a year....not conviced with the textiles when they don't show the kids how to trim seams and turn corners!... Have to say I got lots of hugs from Sarah for saving the day! BLESS!

To top it all, I have an old Singer sewing machine...well not that old...just about 17 years old and I've kept it for the girls to use and bought myself an super duper Husky!...never to be touched by kids....guess what..just when I needed the singer to perform it had a hissy fit...so Sarah has had to use my Husky afterall!!
Now the debate is do I get the singer repaired..or do I let Sarah use my Husky? Just not sure!
ps..just have to add.. the brief for the cushion was for a modern design, using bright colours and something to do with nature..I guess she nailed it, but have to say it's not my choice....really love the waves though!
What an amazing effort for one evening... Well done both of you. I definitely think you should get the Singer fixed and keep it for crafting! I have 2 Elnas - one 37 years old and goes like a dream for crafting and one 3 years old for proper sewing!
She's so lucky to have a crafty mum!!! Best in the class I would imagine lol!!
Lesley x
WOW what an amazing cushion! should think the teacher was gopsmacked! especially if she heard how quickly it was. Lucky girl having such a crafty MUM to help in a pinch.
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